Hydrogen Videos Highlight Collaboration

Two new videos highlighting ongoing collaboration and innovative research advancements promoting hydrogen as a large-scale renewable energy resource have recently been completed by a consortium of National Laboratories.
Research Scientists from Berkeley Lab, along with Sandia National Laboratories, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, participated in the production of these videos featuring research from the Hydrogen Materials Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC) and the HydroGEN consortium.
HydroGEN (www.h2awsm.org/) brings together national laboratories, industry partners and universities to deliver technology solutions to the challenge of large-scale affordable renewable hydrogen production. This consortium is dedicated to discovering and developing functional materials capable of splitting a water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen.
These advanced materials are incorporated into devices that accomplish water splitting either by electrochemistry (using electrical energy), photoelectrochemistry (using solar energy akin to photosynthesis), or thermochemistry (using solar energy as heat). HyMARC (hymarc.org) assembles deep national laboratory expertise in hydrogen science, large-scale computational modeling, and state-of-the-art characterization tools to accelerate discovery of solid-state materials for on-board vehicular hydrogen storage as well as liquid hydrogen carriers.
Watch the videos: energyconversiongroup.lbl.gov/videos