Publications by Category
Fornaciari, Julie C, Shannon W Boettcher, Ethan J Crumlin, Ahmet Kusoglu, David G Prendergast, Daniela Ushizima, Iryna V Zenyuk, and Adam Z Weber."Achieving the hydrogen shot: Interrogating ionomer interfaces."MRS Energy & Sustainability
(2024). DOI
Bui, Justin C, Eric W Lees, Lalit M Pant, Iryna V Zenyuk, Alexis T Bell, and Adam Z Weber."Continuum Modeling of Porous Electrodes for Electrochemical Synthesis."Chemical Reviews
122.12 (2022) 11022 - 11084. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, Rodney L Borup, Robert M Darling, Prodip K Das, Thomas J Dursch, Wenbin Gu, David Harvey, Ahmet Kusoglu, Shawn Litster, Matthew M Mench, Rangachary Mukundan, Jon P Owejan, Jon G Pharoah, Marc Secanell, and Iryna V Zenyuk."A Critical Review of Modeling Transport Phenomena in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
161.12 (2014) F1254 - F1299. DOI