
Weber Research Group

The Weber group explores electrochemical-based energy-conversion materials and assemblies across various technological platforms and applications. We conduct fundamental research on applied problems, with work focused mainly on exploration of transport phenomena. We comprise a multidisciplinary team of electrochemists, chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, theorists, and material scientists, including undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars. We work extensively with industry, academia, and national laboratories, including being key partners within the Fuel-Cell Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) consortium, the HydroGen – Advanced Water Splitting Materials EMN, and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP). Most of our laboratories and offices are located in Building 70 or within JCAP.

Justin Bui and Grace Anderson have joined the group! They are 1st year PhD students in the Chemical Engineering Department at UC Berkeley, and will be co-advised with Alex Bell. Grace graduated from Colorado School of Mines, and Justin  from Columbia University. Welcome, Grace and Justin!
Weber group gives thirteen talks, including one invited talk at the 236th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Atlanta, GA. Philomena, Ana, and Pete also won travel grants! There were also 33 FC-PAD talks!
The Energy Conversion Group said goodbye to Yagya with a going away BBQ this weekend. Yagya will be starting at the University of Manchester. All the best, Yagya!