
Weber Research Group

The Weber group explores electrochemical-based energy-conversion materials and assemblies across various technological platforms and applications. We conduct fundamental research on applied problems, with work focused mainly on exploration of transport phenomena. We comprise a multidisciplinary team of electrochemists, chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, theorists, and material scientists, including undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars. We work extensively with industry, academia, and national laboratories, including being key partners within the Fuel-Cell Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) consortium, the HydroGen – Advanced Water Splitting Materials EMN, and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP). Most of our laboratories and offices are located in Building 70 or within JCAP.

This weekend, ECG said goodbye to 3 of our wonderful members: Lalit, a postdoc of 5 years and integral group member and two (also very important) visiting graduate students, Mike Pagels from RPI and Jon Grunewald from GT. Lalit will be starting a faculty position at India Institute of Technology Kanpur. And Mike and Jon are returning to their universities to complete their PhD programs. We will miss all of you! 
Woohoo! Congrats on becoming a PhD candidate.
NextProf Nexus is a multi-day program for graduate students that is part of an effort to strengthen and diversify the next generation of academic leaders in engineering. The program will help prepare Julie for a future faculty career in academia. Congratulations!