Publications: Weber Lab
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Stevens, John C, and Adam Z Weber."A Computational Study of Optically Concentrating, Solar-Fuels Generators from Annual Thermal- and Fuel-Production Efficiency Perspectives."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
163.7 (2016) H475 - H484. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Liam G Connolly, and Adam Z Weber."Gas-diffusion-layer structural properties under compression via X-ray tomography."Journal of Power Sources
328 (2016) 364 - 376. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V, Nicholas Englund, Guido Bender, Adam Z Weber, and Michael J Ulsh."Reactive impinging-flow technique for polymer-electrolyte-fuel-cell electrode-defect detection."Journal of Power Sources
332 (2016) 372 - 382. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Adam Z Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Structure-Transport Relationship of Perfluorosulfonic-Acid Membranes in Different Cationic Forms."Electrochimica Acta
220 (2016) 517 - 528. DOI
Darling, Robert M, Adam Z Weber, Michael C Tucker, and Michael L Perry."The Influence of Electric Field on Crossover in Redox-Flow Batteries."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
163.1 (2016) A5014 - A5022. DOI
Medici, Ezequiel F, Iryna V Zenyuk, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Adam Z Weber, and Jeffrey S Allen."Understanding Water Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Using Coupled Continuum and Pore-Network Models."Fuel Cells
16.6 (2016) 725 - 733. DOI
Darling, Robert M, Adam Z Weber, Michael C Tucker, and Michael L Perry."The Influence of Electric Field on Crossover in Redox-Flow Batteries."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
163.1 (2015) A5014 - A5022. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Adam Phillips, and Adam Z Weber."All-Iron Redox Flow Battery Tailored for Off-Grid Portable Applications."ChemSusChem
8.23 (2015) 3996 - 4004. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V, Ezequiel F Medici, Jeffrey S Allen, and Adam Z Weber."Coupling continuum and pore-network models for polymer-electrolyte fuel cells."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
40.46 (2015) 16831 - 16845. DOI
Knudsen, Edward, Paul Albertus, Kyu-Taek Cho, Adam Z Weber, and Aleksandar Kojic."Flow simulation and analysis of high-power flow batteries."Journal of Power Sources
299 (2015) 617-628. DOI
García-Salaberri, Pablo A, Jeffrey T Gostick, Gisuk Hwang, Adam Z Weber, and Marcos Vera."Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of local saturation and application to macroscopic continuum models."Journal of Power Sources
296 (2015) 440 - 453. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z Weber."Electrochemical/Mechanical Coupling in Ion-Conducting Soft Matter."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
(2015) 4547 - 4552. DOI
Lanzisera, Steven, Andrew R Weber, Anna Liao, Oren Schetrit, Sila Kiliccote, and Mary Ann Piette."Field Testing of Telemetry for Demand Response Control of Small Loads."
Quesnel, Charles, Ren Cao, Jorge Lehr, Anne-Marie Kietzig, Adam Z Weber, and Jeffrey T Gostick."Dynamic Percolation and Droplet Growth Behavior in Porous Electrodes of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
119.40 (2015) 22934 - 22944. DOI
Santamaria, Anthony D, Maxwell K Becton, Nathanial J Cooper, Adam Z Weber, and Jae Wan Park."Effect of cross-flow on PEFC liquid-water distribution: An in-situ high-resolution neutron radiography study."Journal of Power Sources
293 (2015) 162 - 169. DOI
Nguyen, Trung V, Azita Ahosseini, Xuhai Wang, Venkata Yarlagadda, Anthony Kwong, Adam Z Weber, Phengxay Deevanhxay, Shohji Tsushima, and Shuichiro Hirai."Hydrophobic Gas-Diffusion Media for Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells by Direct Fluorination."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
162.14 (2015) F1451-F1460. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Thomas J Dursch, Colin Blake, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney L Borup, Adam Z Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Impact of hygrothermal aging on structure/function relationship of perfluorosulfonic-acid membrane."Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
54.5 (2015) 570-581. DOI
Gostick, Jeffrey T, and Adam Z Weber."Resistor-Network Modeling of Ionic Conduction in Polymer Electrolytes."Electrochimica Acta
179 (2015) 137 - 145. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Thomas J Dursch, Rodney L Borup, Adam Z Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Effect of Hygrothermal Ageing on PFSA Ionomers' Structure/Property Relationship."ECS Transactions
69.17 (2015) 1017 - 1025. DOI
Vogl, Ulrike S, Simon F Lux, Prodip K Das, Adam Z Weber, Tobias Placke, Robert Kostecki, and Martin Winter."The Mechanism of SEI Formation on Single Crystal Si(100), Si(110) and Si(111) Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
162.12 (2015) A2281 - A2288. DOI
García-Salaberri, Pablo A, Gisuk Hwang, Marcos Vera, Adam Z Weber, and Jeffrey T Gostick."Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of through-plane saturation distribution."International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
86 (2015) 319 - 333. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Kyu-Taek Cho, Franz B Spingler, Adam Z Weber, and Guangyu Lin."Impact of membrane characteristics on the performance and cycling of the Br2–H2 redox flow cell."Journal of Power Sources
284 (2015) 212 - 221. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Gisuk Hwang, and Adam Z Weber."Probing water distribution in compressed fuel-cell gas-diffusion layers using X-ray computed tomography."Electrochemistry Communications
53 (2015) 24 - 28. DOI
Weber, Adam Z, Girish Ghatikar, Dale A Sartor, and Steven Lanzisera."Design and Development of an Integrated Workstation Automation Hub."
Allen, Frances I, Luis R Comolli, Ahmet Kusoglu, Miguel A Modestino, Andrew M Minor, and Adam Z Weber."Morphology of Hydrated As-Cast Nafion Revealed through Cryo Electron Tomography."ACS Macro Letters
4.1 (2015) 1 - 5. DOI